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East 140th Consolidation and Relief Sewer
Cleveland, Ohio

East 140th Consolidation and Relief Sewer

Cleveland, Ohio

Client:  City of Cleveland, Ohio
Owner: Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Value:  $69,449,940
Scope: East 140th Consolidation and Relief Sewer
Notice to Proceed: August, 2016
Date of Completion: August, 2020

Triad was the managing partner of the Triad McNally JV(JV partnership with C&M McNally, Toronto, Canada). Triad contributed all of the management, engineering, work force, and nearly all of the equipment. C&M McNally provided one of the TBMs, locomotives and contributed to the engineering staff. Triad has a long successful working relationship with C&M McNally since the mid 1990s.

Job specifics: 6,650 ft of 112” tunnel excavation using C&M McNally’s Lovat closed door fully shielded TBM.
121 ft of dead end tunnel backup using Triad’s 120” diameter Spider TBM.
7,145 ft of 84” tunnel excavation using Triad’s 84” Lovat closed door fully shielded TBM
285 ft of outlet tunnel using Triad’s 120” diameter Spider TBM.
Nine access shafts excavated from 30-70 feet in depth in diameters from 20-36’. Three shafts were in soft silts and clays using liner plates and ribs with external grouting.
Six shafts were started with liner plates and ribs, then excavated with Triad’s Vertical Boring Machine.

Tunnel final lining was 84” Hobas pipe, 72” RCP and 60” Hobas Pipe. All pipe was placed by Triad’s pipe setter and blocked. The lining was then grouted in place.

In addition, three detention basins, 12,000 ft of storm sewers, and 6,800 ft of 12-54 inch sanitary sewers were installed by open cut sewer construction. This work was performed by our subcontractor, Fabrizi Recycling. The detention basins had a very detailed landscaping plan plus park furniture and specialty paving.

Multiple shored outfall and regulator excavations(18) by liner plates or posts and lagging, plus deep open cut(20 feet deep) sewer work were performed by Triad work forces. Most of these occurred within City streets and busy intersections requiring extensive traffic control and coordination.

The tunneling and shafts were completed well ahead of schedule. The connecting sewers, multiple regulator excavations, junction chambers and other items, as often occurs in older city neighborhoods, required extensive collaborative re design and changes due to unforeseen conditions. The NEORSD, DLZ( the engineering consultant) and Triad McNally successfully cooperated to solve all of the issues.